How to use dblue glitch
How to use dblue glitch

how to use dblue glitch

remember to edit these sounds to make them to your liking Fx: -dont worry about sound quality either, stretching is good and generally counts as an effect -turn up the delay decay to max, and put the space between delays to minimum, this gives a robot sound that works especially well with voices -FSU: no idea what it stands for, but i these i prefer for sampled elements (like the bass). high q and blips make good hi hats, feedback makes a good BD. this is where you use thos clicks and pops, distortion for snares. a song like gantz graf requires huge amounts of time and effort though, considering no single part of the song is the same. use sampling vsts to control the timing of your fx, there is no easier way than this even though it removes the random intervals. timing is tricky too -pads are usually unused except in combination styles, when they are used however, hard sounds are used Bass: -Glitch your drums, sample the glitchiest or your favorite part, stretch and loop, export and use in sample vst -use your long samples and filter out the parts you dont want (remember to export and resample so you dont affect anything else on the track if your using a sampple vst with multiple samples running) -synthesize something that sounds glitchy and slap some hard fx on it Drums: -Fx are always a must -resample resample RESAMPLE.

how to use dblue glitch

Synthesis techniques other elements: -reversed guitars and bass is always good, it should be obvious how to reverse, but do the part you weant and then write backwards so it sounds the way you want when you reverse it. Good glitch is best described as organized chaos -Fx are everything, its what gives it its name -dont be afraid to sample what you normally wouldnt, this includes static, feedback, clicks, pops, and especially machine noises (though im sure thats been sampled for other styles). Glitch tips: -its all about the math, especially considering the drums are the main focus (and even more so if its autechre). StephenPotter : Tue 6th Jul 2010 : 12 years agoĪll credit to the words below belong to Cybertooth:

How to use dblue glitch